Her får du et standardprogram på 4 forskellige niveauer til konditionstræning. Alt efter hvilket niveau du vælger, får du et forskelligt antal timer.
Niveau 1: ~12 timer
Niveau 2: ~10 timer
Niveau 3: 4-6 timer
Niveau 4: 3-4 timer
Alle programmerne har stærk inspiration fra min egen træning, men er skaleret til de forskellige niveauer.
Programmet er velegnet til alle former for konditionstræning på tid, og er effektivt, fordi det er højintensitetstræning blandet med lavere intensitet.
Egnet til disse sportsgrene: Kajak, kano, roning, Concept2, Thorax-trainer, C2 ski-erg, assault bike, cross-trainer, løb, ckling, indendørs cykling, SUP. Eller en kombination af dem alle.
Note: Der er en standard periodisering indlagt programmet. (3+1)
Jeg sender program ud én gang om måneden.
This standard program offers 4 different levels of H.I.I.T. training with the purpose of improving your endurance and overall conditioning, and also holds speed work. Depending on the level you choose, you will get the desired amount of hours.
Level 1: ~12 timer
Level 2: ~10 timer
Level 3: 4-6 timer
Level 4: 3-4 timer
All the programs have strong inspiration from my own program, but are scaled down according to each level.
The program is suited for all types of training on time, and is effective because it relies on high intensity combined with low intensity.
It is suited for these sports in particular: Kayak, Canoe, Rowing, Concept2, Thorax-trainer, C2 Ski-erg, Assault Bike, Crosstrainer, Running, Bike, Indoor bike, SUP. Or A combination of them all.
Note: There is a standard periodization in the program. (3+1)
I will send the program out once a month.